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Ended auctions

E-Live Auction 38

Numismatic E-Live Auction 38 will take place on Wednesday 22nd, Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th January 2025.

Session I: Wednesday, January 22nd starting at 3:00 pm CET (lots 1 - 831)
Session II: Thursday, January 23rd starting at 3:00 pm CET (lots 832 - 1631)
Session III: Friday, January 24th starting at 3:00 pm CET (lots 1632 - 2428)

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live.

Offline bids via FAX (+39 0549 904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before January 22nd at 12:00 NOON CET.

We inform our customers that auction fees are 21.63%.

Ended on: 24-01-2025

E-Live Auction 38

Watches Auction

Auction in collaboration with The Vintageur Srl.

Watches Auction - Carlo Biagioli private collection will take place on November 13th at the Carlo Biagioli S.r.l. exhibition space in Via XXV Marzo, 71 47895 Domagnano – RSM

Single Session - Wednesday, November 13th 2024, starting at 6:00pm CET (lots 1-130)

Online absentee bids deadline:
Wednesday, November 13th 2024, until 4:30pm CET 

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before 12:00 NOON CET on November 13th, 2024.

Lots Viewing
By appointment.

Auction fees are 21.63% (inclusive of the 3% tax of the Republic of San Marino on auction fees).

Ended on: 13-11-2024

Watches Auction

E-Live Auction 37

Numismatic E-Live Auction 37 will take place on Monday 21st, Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd October 2024.

Session I: Monday, October 21st starting at 6:30 pm CEST (lots 1 - 893)
Session II: Tuesday, October 22nd starting at 6:30 pm CEST (lots 894 - 1772)
Session III: Wednesday, October 23rd starting at 6:30 pm CEST (lots 1773 - 2603)

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live.

Offline bids via FAX (+39 0549 904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before October 21st at 12:00 NOON CEST.

We inform our customers that auction fees are 21.63%.

Ended on: 23-10-2024

E-Live Auction 37

Auction 71

Numismatic Auction 71 will take place on September 1st at the Nomisma Spa HQ, Strada Bulumina, 6 - 47899 Serravalle (RSM)

Session I - Sunday, September 1st 2024, starting at 9:30am CEST (lots 501-1069)
Session II - Sunday, September 1st 2024, starting at 2:00pm CEST (lots 1070-1793)

Online absentee bids deadline:
Session I - Sunday, September 1st 2024, until 8:00am CEST
Session II - Sunday, September 1st 2024, until 12:30pm CEST 

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before 12:00 NOON CEST on August 31st, 2024.

Lots Viewing
Only at our offices in Strada Bulumina 6, Serravalle (RSM) - Friday, August, 30th 2024, from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm and Saturday, August 31st from 10.00am to 2,00pm.

Auction fees are 21.63% (inclusive of the 3% tax of the Republic of San Marino on auction fees).

Ended on: 01-09-2024

Auction 71

Auction 70

Numismatic Auction 70 will take place on August 31st at the WELCOME HOTEL, Via Consiglio dei Sessanta, 99 - 47891 Dogana – RSM.

Single Session - Saturday, August 31st 2024, starting at 2:00pm CEST (lots 1-500)

Online absentee bids deadline:
Saturday, August 31st 2024, until 12:30pm CEST 

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before 12:00 NOON CEST on August 31st, 2024.

Lots Viewing
Only at our offices in Strada Bulumina 6, Serravalle (RSM) - Friday, August, 30th 2024, from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm and Saturday, August 31st from 10.00am - the coins will not be viewing or delivered to the auction room.

Auction fees are 21.63% (inclusive of the 3% tax of the Republic of San Marino on auction fees).

Ended on: 31-08-2024

Auction 70

E-Live Auction 36

Numismatic E-Live Auction 36 will take place on Tuesday 2nd, Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th July 2024.

Session I: Tuesday, July 2nd starting at 6:30 pm CEST (lots 1 - 633)
Session II: Wednesday, July 3rd starting at 6:30 pm CEST (lots 634 - 1207)
Session III: Thursday, July 4th starting at 6:30 pm CEST (lots 1208 - 1835)

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live.

Offline bids via FAX (+39 0549 904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before July 2nd at 12:00 NOON CEST.

We inform our customers that auction fees are 21.63%.

Ended on: 04-07-2024

E-Live Auction 36

E-Live Auction 35

Numismatic E-Live Auction 35 will take place on Friday 19th, Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st April 2024.

Session I: Friday, April 19th starting at 6 pm CEST (lots 1 - 559)
Session II: Saturday, April 20th starting at 3 pm CEST (lots 560 - 1326)
Session III: Sunday, April 21st starting at 3 pm CEST (lots 1327 - 2321)

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live.

Offline bids via FAX (+39 0549 904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before April 19th at 12:00 NOON CEST.

We inform our customers that auction fees are 21.63%.

Ended on: 21-04-2024

E-Live Auction 35

Auction 69

Numismatic Auction 69 will take place on March 23rd and 24th at the WELCOME HOTEL, Via Consiglio dei Sessanta, 99 - 47891 Dogana – RSM

Session I - Saturday, March 23rd 2024, starting at 10:00am CET (lots 682-1056)
Session II - Saturday, March 23rd 2024, starting at 2:00pm CET (lots 1-681)
Session III - Sunday, March 24th 2024, starting at 9:30am CET (lots 1057-1698)
Session IV - Sunday, March 24th 2024, starting at 2:00pm CET (lots 1699-2087)

Online absentee bids deadline:
Session I - Saturday, March 23rd 2024, until 8.30am CET 
Session II - Saturday, March 23rd 2024 until 12:30pm CET 
Session III - Sunday, March 24th 2024, until 8:00 am CET
Session IV - Sunday, March 24th 2024, until 12:30 pm CET

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before 12:00 NOON CET on March 22nd, 2024.

Lots Viewing
Only at our offices in Strada Bulumina 6, Serravalle (RSM) - Friday, March, 22nd 2024, from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm - the coins will not be viewing or delivered to the auction room.

Auction fees are 21.63% (inclusive of the 3% tax of the Republic of San Marino on auction fees).

Ended on: 24-03-2024

Auction 69

E-Live Auction 34

Numismatic E-Live Auction 34 will take place on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th January 2024 starting at 3 PM CET.

Session I: Saturday, January 27th starting at 3 pm CET (lots 1 - 871)
Session II: Sunday, January 28th starting at 3 pm CET (lots 872 - 1623)

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live.

Offline bids via FAX (+39 0549 904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before January 27th at 12:00 NOON CET.

We inform our customers that auction fees are 21.63%.

Ended on: 28-01-2024

E-Live Auction 34

E-Live Auction 33

Numismatic E-Live Auction 33 will take place on Thursday 26th and Friday 27th October 2023 starting at 6:30 PM CEST.

Session I: Thursday, October 26th starting at 6:30 pm CEST (lots 1 - 1067)
Session II: Friday, October 27th starting at 6:30 pm CEST (lots 1068 - 1965)

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live.

Offline bids via FAX (+39 0549 904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before October 26th at 12:00 NOON CEST.

We inform our customers that auction fees are 21.63%.

Ended on: 27-10-2023

E-Live Auction 33

Auction 68

Numismatic Auction 68 will take place on September 2nd and 3rd at the Nomisma Spa HQ, Strada Bulumina, 6 - 47899 Serravalle (RSM)

Session I - Saturday, September 2nd 2023 starting at 2.00 pm CEST (lots 1-775)
Session II - Sunday, September 3rd 2023 starting at 10:00 am CEST (lots 776-1269)
Session III - Sunday, September 3rd 2023 starting at 2:00 pm CEST (lots 1270-1779)

Online absentee bids deadline:
Session I - Saturday, September 2nd 2023 until 12.30 pm CEST 
Session II - Sunday, September 3rd 2023 until 8:30 am CEST 
Session III - Sunday, September 3rd 2023 until 12:30 pm CEST 

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before 12:00 NOON CEST on September 1st, 2023.

Lots Viewing
Saturday, September 2nd 2023 from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm

During the auction sessions, only the material of the current session will be exhibited.

Auction fees are 21.63% (inclusive of the 3% tax of the Republic of San Marino on auction fees).

Room auction telephone number: (+378) 0549 904012

Ended on: 03-09-2023

Auction 68

E-Live Auction 32

Numismatic E-Live Auction 32 will take place on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th June 2023 starting at 6:30 PM CEST.

Session I: Thursday, June 29th starting at 6:30 pm CEST (lots 1 - 915)
Session II: Friday, June 30th starting at 6:30 pm CEST (lots 916 - 1915)

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live.

Offline bids via FAX (+39 0549 904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before June 29th at 12:00 NOON CEST.

We inform our customers that auction fees are 21.63%.

Ended on: 30-06-2023

E-Live Auction 32

E-Live Auction 31

Numismatic E-Live Auction 31 will take place on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th April 2023 starting at 3:00 PM CEST.

Session I: Saturday, April 15th starting at 3:00 pm CEST (lots 2001 - 3243)
Session II: Sunday, April 16th starting at 3:00 pm CEST (lots 3244 - 4437)

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live.

Offline bids via FAX (+39 0549 904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before April 15th at 12:00 NOON CEST.

We inform our customers that auction fees are 21.63%.

Ended on: 16-04-2023

E-Live Auction 31

Auction 67

Numismatic Auction 67 will take place on April 13th and 14th at the Nomisma Spa HQ, Strada Bulumina, 6 - 47899 Serravalle (RSM)

Session I - Thursday, April, 13th 2023 starting at 2.00 pm CEST (lots 1-869)
Session II - Friday, April 14th 2023 starting at 10:00 am CEST (lots 870-1099)
Session III - Friday, April 14th 2023 starting at 2:00 pm CEST (lots 1100-1737)

Online absentee bids deadline:
Session I - Thursday, April, 13th 2023 until 12.30 pm CEST 
Session II - Friday, April 14th 2023 until 8:30 am CEST 
Session III - Friday, April 14th 2023 until 12:30 pm CEST 

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before 12:00 NOON CEST on April 13th, 2023.

Lots Viewing
Thursday, April, 13th 2023 from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm

During the auction sessions, only the material of the current session will be exhibited.

Auction fees are 21.63% (inclusive of the 3% tax of the Republic of San Marino on auction fees).

Room auction telephone number: (+378) 0549 904012

Ended on: 14-04-2023

Auction 67

E-Live Auction 30

Numismatic E-Live Auction 30 will take place on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th January 2023 starting at 5:00 PM CET.

Session I: Monday, January 23rd starting at 5:00 pm CET (lots 1 - 859)
Session II: Tuesday, January 24th starting at 5:00 pm CET (lots 860 - 1654)

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live.

Offline bids via FAX (+39 0549 904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before January 23rd at 12:00 NOON CET.

We inform our customers that auction fees are 21.63%.

Ended on: 24-01-2023

E-Live Auction 30

E-Live Auction 29

Numismatic E-Live Auction 29 will take place on Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th November 2022 starting at 5:00 PM CET.

Session I: Monday, November 28th starting at 5:00 pm CET (lots 2001 - 2894)
Session II: Tuesday, November 29th starting at 5:00 pm CET (lots 2895 - 3773)

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live.

Offline bids via FAX (+39 0549 904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before November 27th at 12:00 NOON CET.

We inform our customers that auction fees are 21.63%.

Ended on: 29-11-2022

E-Live Auction 29

Auction 66

Numismatic Auction 66 will take place on November 26th and 27th at the Nomisma Spa HQ, Strada Bulumina, 6 - 47899 Serravalle (RSM)

  Session I - Saturday, November, 26th 2022 starting at 2.00 pm CET (lots 1-700)
  Session II - Sunday, November 27th 2022 starting at 9:30 am CET (lots 701-1436)

Online absentee bids deadline:
Session I - Saturday, November, 26th 2022 at 12:30 pm CET
Session II - Sunday, November 27th 2022 at 8:00 am CET

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before 12:00 NOON CET on November 26th, 2022.

Lots Viewing
Saturday, November, 26th 2022 from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm

During the auction sessions, only the material of the current session will be exhibited.

Auction fees are 21.63% (inclusive of the 3% tax of the Republic of San Marino on auction fees).

Room auction telephone number: (+378) 0549 904012

Ended on: 27-11-2022

Auction 66

E-Live Auction 28

Numismatic E-Live Auction 28 will take place from Tuesday 5th to Thursday 7th July 2022 starting at 8:30 PM CEST.

Session I: Tuesday, July 5th starting at 8:30 pm CEST (lots 1 - 424)
Session II: Wednesday, July 6th starting at 8:30 pm CEST (lots 425 - 957)
Session III: Thursday, July 7th starting at 8:30 pm CEST (lots 958 - 1539)

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live.

Offline bids via FAX (+39 0549 904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before July 4th at 12:00 NOON CEST.

We inform our customers that auction fees are 21.63%.

Ended on: 07-07-2022

E-Live Auction 28

Auction 65 - Watches and Pens

Auction 65 - Watches and Pens will take place on June 18th at the KURSAAL CONGRESS CENTER, Viale J.F. Kennedy, 17 - 47890 San Marino City.

  Single Session - Saturday, June 18th 2022 starting at 4.00 pm CEST (lots 2001-2200)

Online absentee bids deadline:
Single Session - Saturday, June 18th 2022 until 2.30 pm CEST

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before 12:00 on 17 June 2022.

Lots Viewing
Friday 17 June 2022 from 10.00 to 14.00
During the auction sessions, only the material of the current session will be exhibited.

Auction fees are 21.63% (inclusive of the 3% tax of the Republic of San Marino on auction fees).



Ended on: 18-06-2022

Auction 65 - Watches and Pens

Auction 65

Auction 65 - Numismatics will take place on 17 and 18 June at the KURSAAL CONGRESS CENTER, Viale J.F. Kennedy, 17 - 47890 San Marino City.

  Session I - Friday 17 June 2022 starting at 2.30pm CEST (lots 1-651)
  Session II - Saturday 18 June 2022 starting at 9:00 CEST (lots 652-1363)
  Session III - Saturday 18 June 2022 starting at 2.30pm CEST (lots 1364-1610)

Online absentee bids deadline:
Session I - Friday 17 June 2022 at 13:00 CEST
Session II - Saturday 18 June 2022 at 7:30 CEST
Session III - Saturday 18 June 2022 at 13:00 CEST

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before 12:00 on 17 June 2022.

Lots Viewing
Friday 17 June 2022 from 10.00 to 14.00
During the auction sessions, only the material of the current session will be exhibited.

Auction fees are 21.63% (inclusive of the 3% tax of the Republic of San Marino on auction fees).



Ended on: 18-06-2022

Auction 65

E-Live Auction 27

Numismatic E-Live Auction 27 will take place on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th March 2022 starting at 3:00 PM CET.

  • Session I - Saturday 26th March 2022 at 3:00 PM CET (lots 1-605)
  • Session II - Sunday 27th March 2022 at 3:00 PM CEST (lots 606-1237)

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live.

Offline bids via FAX (+39 0549 904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before March 25th at 12:00 NOON CET.

We inform our customers that auction fees are 21.63%.

Ended on: 27-03-2022

E-Live Auction 27

E-Live Auction 26

Numismatic E-Live Auction 26 will take place on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th January 2022 starting at 3:00 PM CET.

  • Session I - Saturday 29th January 2022 at 3:00 PM CET (lots 1-671)
  • Session II - Sunday 30th January 2022 at 3:00 PM CET (lots 672-1338)

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live.

Offline bids via FAX (+39 0549 904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before January 29th at 12:00 NOON CET.

We inform our customers that auction fees are 21.63%.

Ended on: 30-01-2022

E-Live Auction 26

Auction 64

Auction 64 - Coins and Medals will take place on December 17th-18th at the Grand Hotel Primavera in Borgo Maggiore (RSM).

  Session I - Friday December 17th 2021 starting from 3:30 pm CET (lots 1-409)
  Session II - Saturday December 18th 2021 starting from 9:30 am CET (lots 410-1060)
  Session III - Saturday December 18th 2021 starting from 2:30 pm CET (lots 1061-1471)

Online absentee bids deadline:
Session I - Friday December 17th 2021 at 2:00 pm CET
Session II - Saturday December 18th 2nd 2021 at 8:00 am CET
Session III - Saturday December 18th 2021 at 1:00 pm CET

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before December 17th at 12:00 NOON CET.

Lots Viewing
Friday December 17th 2021 from 11 am to 3 pm.

During the auction sessions, only the material of the current session will be exhibited.

Auction fees are 21,63% (including 3% San Marino Tax on auction fees).

Ended on: 18-12-2021

Auction 64

E-Live Auction 25

Numismatic E-Live Auction 25 will take place on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th November 2021 starting at 3:00 PM CET.

  • Session I - Saturday 27th November 2021 at 3:00 PM CET (lots 1-920)
  • Session II - Sunday 28th November 2021 at 3:00 PM CET (lots 921-1635)

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live.

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before November 27th at 12:00 NOON CET.

We inform our customers that auction fees are 21.63%.

Ended on: 28-11-2021

E-Live Auction 25

E-Live Auction 24

Numismatic E-Live Auction 24 will take place on Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th September 2021 starting at 6:30 PM CEST.

  • Session I - Monday 27th September 2021 at 6:30 PM CEST (lots 1-532)
  • Session II - Tuesday 28th September 2021 at 6:30 PM CEST (lots 533-1019)

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live.

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before September 27th at 12:00 NOON CEST.

We inform our customers that auction fees from this auction onwards are 21.63%.

Ended on: 28-09-2021

E-Live Auction 24

E-Live Auction 23

Numismatic E-Live Auction 23 will take place on Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd July 2021 starting at 6 PM CEST.

  • Session I - Thursday 22nd July 2021 at 6 PM CEST (lots 1-908)
  • Session II - Friday 23rd July 2021 at 6 PM CEST (lots 909-1829)

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live.

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before July 22nd at 12:00 NOON CEST.

Ended on: 23-07-2021

E-Live Auction 23

Auction 63 - Watches and Collectibles

Watches and Collectibles Auction will take place on Saturday 3rd July 2021 starting at 2:30 PM CEST at the Grand Hotel Primavera in Borgo Maggiore (RSM).

Online absentee bids deadline: Saturday, July 3rd 2021 at 1:30 PM CEST.

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before July 3rd at 12:00 NOON CEST.

On the auction day, offline bids via fax must be sent to the auction room number 0549-907434.

Lots Viewing
Thursday, July 1st 2021 from 11 am to 3 pm.

During the auction sessions, only the material of the current session will be exhibited.

Auction fees are 18,54% (including 3% San Marino Tax on auction fees).

Virtual catalogue / pdf downolad

Ended on: 03-07-2021

Auction 63 - Watches and Collectibles

Auction 63

Auction 63 - Coins and Medals will take place on July 1-2-3 at the Grand Hotel Primavera in Borgo Maggiore (RSM).

  • Session I - Thursday July 1st 2021 starting from 4 pm CEST (lots 151-452)
  • Session II - Friday July 2nd 2021 starting from 9:30 am CEST (lots 453-958)
  • Session III - Friday July 2nd 2021 starting from 2:30 pm CEST (lots 959-1360)
  • Session IV - Saturday July 3rd 2021 starting from 9:30 am CEST (lots 1361-1749)


Online absentee bids deadline:

  • Session I - Thursday July 1st 2021 at 2 pm CEST
  • Session II - Friday July 2nd 2021 at 8:30 am CEST
  • Session III - Friday Juy 2nd 2021 at 1:30 pm CEST
  • Session IV - Saturday July 3rd 2021 at 8:30 am CEST

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before July 1st at 12:00 NOON CEST.

On the auction day, offline bids via fax must be sent to the auction room number 0549-907434.

Lots Viewing
Thursday, July 1st 2021 from 11 am to 3 pm.

During the auction sessions, only the material of the current session will be exhibited.

Auction fees are 18,54% (including 3% San Marino Tax on auction fees).

Virtual catalogue / pdf download

Ended on: 03-07-2021

Auction 63

Auction 63 - 150 Napoleonic Medals

Auction 63 - 150 Napoleonic Medals will take place on Thursday 1st July 2021 starting at 3 PM CEST at the Grand Hotel Primavera in Borgo Maggiore (RSM).

Online absentee bids deadline: Thursday, July 1st 2021 at 2 pm CEST.

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before July 1st at 12:00 NOON CEST.

On the auction day, offline bids via fax must be sent to the auction room number 0549-907434.

Lots Viewing: Thursday, July 1st 2021 from 11 am to 3 pm.

During the auction sessions, only the material of the current session will be exhibited.

Auction fees are 18,54% (including 3% San Marino Tax on auction fees).

Virtual catalogue / pdf downolad

Ended on: 01-07-2021

Auction 63 - 150 Napoleonic Medals

E-Live Auction 22

Numismatic E-Live Auction 22 will take place on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th April 2021 starting at 6:30 PM CEST

  • Session I - Thursday 29th April 2021 at 6:30 PM CEST (lots 1-814)
  • Session II - Friday 30th April 2021 at 6:30 PM CEST (lots 815-1585)

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live. 

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before April 29th at 12:00 NOON CEST.

Ended on: 30-04-2021

E-Live Auction 22

E-Live Auction 21

Numismatic E-Live Auction 21 will take place on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th March 2021 starting at 4 PM CET

  • Session I - Saturday 6th March 2021 at 4 PM CET (lots 1-665)
  • Session II - Sunday 7th March 2021 at 4 PM CET (lots 666-1253)

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live. 

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before March 5th at 12:00 NOON CET.

Ended on: 07-03-2021

E-Live Auction 21

E-Live Auction 20

Numismatic E-Live Auction 20 will take place on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th January 2021 starting at 4 PM CET

  • Session I - Saturday 23rd January 2021 at 4 PM CET (lots 1-779)
  • Session II - Sunday 24th January 2021 at 4 PM CET (lots 780-1706)

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live. 

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before January 22nd at 12:00 NOON CET.

Ended on: 24-01-2021

E-Live Auction 20

E-Live Auction 19

Christmas 2020

Numismatic E-Live Auction 19 will take place on Friday December 18th starting at 8:30 PM CET

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live. 

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before December 18th, 8 pm CET.

Ended on: 18-12-2020

E-Live Auction 19

E-Live Auction 18

Numismatic E-Live Auction 18 will take place on Sunday November 8th and Monday November 9th starting at 6.00 PM CET

E-Live auction schedule
Sunday November 8th at 06:00 pm CET - lots 1-917
Monday November 9th at 06:00 pm CET - lots  918-1726

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live. 

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before November 8th, 12:00 noon CET.

Ended on: 09-11-2020

E-Live Auction 18

Numismatic Auction 62

Numismatic Auction 62  will be held in San Marino on Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th September  2020 at the Palace Hotel.

Auction room and live auction timetable

Tuesday September 15th starting at 2:00 pm - Lots 1/975
Wednesday September 16th starting at 9:30 am - Lots 976/1233
Wednesday September 16th starting at 2:00 pm - Lots 1234/1721

Absentee bids deadline

Tuesday September 15th  at 1:00 pm - Lots 1/975
Wednesday September 16th at 8:30 am - Lots 976/1233
Wednesday September 16th at 1:00 pm - Lots 1234/1721


Tuesday September 15th 09:30 am - 12:00 noon 

All times are CET: Central Europe Time.

Virtual catalogue / pdf downolad

Ended on: 16-09-2020

Numismatic Auction 62

E-Live Auction 17

Numismatic E-Live-Auction 17 will take place on Wednesday July 29th and Thursday July 30th starting at 6.00 PM CET

E-Live auction schedule
Wednesday July 29th at 06:00 pm CET - lots 1-815
Thursday July 30th at 06:00 pm CET - lots  816-1426

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live. 

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before  July 29th, 12:00 noon CET.

Ended on: 30-07-2020

E-Live Auction 17

E-Live Auction 16

Numismatic E-Live-Auction 16 will take place on Wednesday June 3rd and Thursday June 4th starting at 6.00 PM CET

E-Live auction schedule
Wednesday June 3rd at 06:00 pm CET - lots 1-876
Thursday June 4th at 06:00 pm CET - lots  877-1767 

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live. 

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before  June 3rd, 12:00 noon CET.

Ended on: 04-06-2020

E-Live Auction 16

E-Live Auction 15

Numismatic E-Live-Auction 15 will take place on Tuesday April 14th starting at 6.00 PM CET

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live. 

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before  April 14th, 12:00 noon CET.

Ended on: 14-04-2020

E-Live Auction 15

E-Live Auction 14

Numismatic E-Live-Auction 14 will take place on Thursday February 13th starting at 6.00 PM CET

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live. 

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before  February 13th, 12:00 noon CET.

Ended on: 13-02-2020

E-Live Auction 14

Numismatic Auction 61

Numismatic Auction 61  will be held in San Marino on Tuesday October 29th 2019 at the Palace Hotel.

Auction room and live auction timetable

Tuesday October 29th starting at 09:30 am - Lots 501-1206
Tuesday October 29th starting at 02:30 pm - Lots 1207-1706

Absentee bids deadline

Tuesday October 29th 08:00 am - Lots 501-1206
Tuesday October 29th 01:00 pm - Lots 1207-1706


Monday October 28th 2019: 09:30 am - 12:00 noon 

All times are CET: Central Europe Time.

Virtual Catalogue / PDF

Ended on: 29-10-2019

Numismatic Auction 61

Numismatic Auction 60

500 rarities

Numismatic Auction 60 will be held  in San Marino on Monday October 28th 2019 at the Palace Hotel.

Auction room and live auction timetable

Monday October 28th 2019 starting at 03:00 pm - Lots 1/500

Absentee bids deadline

Monday October 28th 2019 01:00 pm


Monday October 28th 2019: 09:30 am - 12:00 noon

All times are CET: Central Europe Time.

Virtual catalogue / PDF part 1
Virtual catalogue / PDF part 2



Ended on: 28-10-2019

Numismatic Auction 60

E-Live-Auction 11

Numismatic E-Live-Auction 11 will take place on Tuesday July 23rd, starting at 6.00 PM CET.

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live. 

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before July 23rd, 12:00 noon CET.

Ended on: 23-07-2019

E-Live-Auction 11

E-Live-Auction 10

Numismatic E-Live-Auction 10 will take place on Tuesday June 18th, starting at 6.00 PM CET.

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live. 

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before June 18th, 12:00 noon CET.

Ended on: 18-06-2019

E-Live-Auction 10

Numismatic Auction 59

Numismatic Auction 59 will be held at the Grand Hotel Primavera (Repubblica di San Marino), on Tuesday May 14th and Wednesday May 15th.

Auction room and live auction timetable

Tuesday, May 14th 2019: 02:00 pm - Lots 1/949
Wednesday, May 15th 2019: 09:00 am - Lots 950/1594
Wednesday, May 15th 2019: 02:30 pm - Lots 1595/2001


Tuesday, May 14th 2019: 09:30 am - 12:00 noon

All times are CET: Central Europe Time.


Ended on: 15-05-2019

Numismatic Auction 59

E-Live-Auction 9

Numismatic E-Live-Auction 9 will take place on Sunday March 24th, starting at 6.00 PM CET.

Online absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live. 

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before March 24th, 3.00 pm CET.

Ended on: 24-03-2019

E-Live-Auction 9

E-Live-Auction 8

Numismatic E-Live-Auction 8 will take place on Sunday January 27th, starting at 6.00 PM CET.

Online absentee bidswill be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before to be hammered Live. 

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before January 27th 3.00 pm CET.

Ended on: 27-01-2019

E-Live-Auction 8

E-Live-Auction 7

Numismatic E-Live-Auction 7 will take place on Sunday November 11th, starting at 6.00 PM CET.

Offline bids via FAX (0549-904042) or EMAIL (auction@nomismaweb.com) must be sent before November 11th 3.00 pm CET.

Ended on: 11-11-2018

E-Live-Auction 7

Numismatic Auction 58

Numismatic Auction 58 will be held at the Palace Hotel (Repubblica di San Marino), on Tuesday November 6th and Wednesday November 7th.

Ended on: 07-11-2018

Numismatic Auction 58

E-Live-Auction 6

Numismatic E-Live-Auction 6 has taken place on Monday July 30th.


Ended on: 30-07-2018

E-Live-Auction 6

E-Live-Auction 5

Numismatic E-Live-Auction 5 has taken place on Monday July 2nd at 7.00 PM CET

Ended on: 02-07-2018

E-Live-Auction 5

Numismatic Auction 57

Numismatic Auction 57 has been held at the GRAND HOTEL PRIMAVERA (Repubblica di San Marino), on Friday May 18th and Saturday May 19th.

Ended on: 19-05-2018

Numismatic Auction 57

E-Live-Auction 4

Numismatic E-Live-Auction 4 has taken place on Saturday, April  28th (lots 3001-3993) and Sunday April 29th (lots 3994-4893) , starting every day at 3.00 PM.

Ended on: 29-04-2018

E-Live-Auction 4

E-Live-Auction 3

Numismatic E-Live-Auction 3 will take place on Thursday, March 29th starting at 6.00 PM.

Absentee bids will be possible even during Live Auction: every lot will be closed online about 5 lots before they are hammered Live.

Ended on: 29-03-2018

E-Live-Auction 3

E-Live-Auction 2

Numismatic E-Live-Auction 2 will take place on Tuesday, December 12th starting at 6.00 PM.


Ended on: 12-12-2017

E-Live-Auction 2

E-Live-Auction 1

Numismatic E-Live-Auction 1 has ended on Wednesday, October 25th 2017.

Ended on: 25-10-2017

E-Live-Auction 1

Numismatic Auction 56

Numismatic Auction 56 will be held at the Palace Hotel (Repubblica di San Marino), on Tuesday October 17th and Wednesday October 18th.

Ended on: 18-10-2017

Numismatic Auction 56

Auction 19 Online

Numismatic Auction 19 Online ending on Monday, July 31st 2017 at 12:00 NOON (CEST).

Ended on: 31-07-2017

Auction 19 Online

Auction 18 Online


Numismatic Auction 18 Online ending on Wednesday, May 10th 2017 at 01:00 PM (CEST).

Ended on: 10-05-2017

Auction 18 Online

Numismatic Auction 55

Numismatic Auction 55 has taken place at the Palace Hotel (Repubblica di San Marino), on Tuesday April 4th and Wednesday April 5th.

Absentee bids deadline

  • Tuesday April 4th 08:30 am (lots 1/593)
  • Tuesday April 4th 01:00 pm (lots 594/1213)
  • Wednesday April 5th 08:00 am (lots 1214/1784)
  • Wednesday April 5th 02:30 pm (lots 1785/2311)


  • Monday, April 3rd 2017: 10:00 am - 03:00 pm

Auction room and live auction timetable

  • Tuesday, April 4th 2017: 10:00 am - Lots 1/593
  • Tuesday, April 4th 2017: 02:30 pm - Lots 594/1213
  • Mercoledì, April 5th 2017: 09:30 am - Lots 1214/1784
  • Mercoledì, April 5th 2017: 02:00 pm - Lots 1785/2311

All times are CET: Central Europe Time.

Order printed catalogue

Ended on: 05-04-2017

Numismatic Auction 55

Auction 17 Online

Numismatic Auction 17 Online ending on Tuesday, January 24th  2017 at 12:00 NOON (CET).



Ended on: 24-01-2017

Auction 17 Online

Numismatic Auction 54

Our  Numismatic Auction 54 has been  held in Palace Hotel, in Serravalle (RSM), on August 30th and 31st 2016.



Ended on: 31-08-2016

Numismatic Auction  54

Auction 16 Online

Numismatic Auction 16 Online ending on Friday, July 1st  2016 at 12:00 NOON (CET).


Ended on: 01-07-2016

Auction 16 Online

Sincona/Nomisma Auction

Coins and Medals, including Italian Highlights

A cooperation between SINCONA AG and NOMISMA S.p.A.

Online bidding deadline

Lots 501-695 - 17 May 2016 18:00 CEST
Lots 696-2247 - 18 May 2016 18:00 CEST 
Lots 2248-2965 - 19 May 2016 18:00 CEST 

Floor Auction - Live Bidding

Lots 501-695 - 18 May 2016 - 16:30-18:00 CEST
Lots 696-2247 - 19 May 2016 - 9:30-18:30 CEST 
Lots 2248-2965 - 20 May 2016 - 9:30-12:30 CEST 


Please note: this auction is in Swiss Francs. The exchange rate in euro and other currency shown in this website is intended for informational purposes only.

Ended on: 20-05-2016

Sincona/Nomisma Auction

Auction 15 Online

Numismatic Auction 15 Online ending on Wednesday, April 27th 2016 at 12:00 NOON (CET)


Ended on: 27-04-2016

Auction 15 Online

Auction 14 Online

Numismatic Auction 14 Online ending on Tuesday, November 24th 2015 at 12:00 NOON (CET)

Ended on: 24-11-2015

Auction 14 Online

Numismatic Auction 53

Auction Timetable

Our  Numismatic Auction 53 will be held in Palace Hotel, in Serravalle (RSM), on October 20th and 21st 2015.

Live Auction will be available on this web site for registered users only.

Online auction (absentee bids) deadline:

- Tuesday 20 October at 9:00 CET (1/379)
- Tuesday 20 October at 13:00 CET (380/994)
- Wednesday 21 October at 8:00 CET (995/1654)
- Wednesday 21 October at 13:00 CET (1655/2294)

Sale timetable (floor and live auction)

Tuesday 20 October starting at 10:30 CET - lots 1/379
Tuesday 20 October starting at 14:30 CET - lots 380/994
Wednesday 21 October starting at 9:30 CET - lots 995/1654
Wednesday 21 October starting at 14:00 CET - lots 1655/2294

Ended on: 21-10-2015

Numismatic Auction  53

Auction 13 Online

Numismatic Auction 13 Online ending on Monday, May 18th 2015 at 20:00 AM (CET)

Ended on: 18-05-2015

Auction 13 Online

Numismatic Auction 52

Ancient and modern coins, medals and banknotes auction.

Auction Timetable

Our 52nd Numismatic Auction will be held in Palace Hotel, in Serravalle (RSM), on May 12th and 13th 2015.

Live Auction will be available on this web site for registered users only.

Online auction (absentee bids) deadline:
- Tuesday 12th May at 12:00 CET (lots 1/666)
- Wednesday 13th May at 08:00 CET (lots 667/1387)
- Wednesday 13th May at 12:00 CET (lots 1388/2193)

Ended on: 13-05-2015

Numismatic Auction  52

Auction 12 Online

Numismatic Auction 12 Online ending on Wednesday, March 25th 2015 at 12:00 AM (CET)

Ended on: 25-03-2015

Auction 12 Online

Auction 11 Online

Numismatic Auction 11 Online ending on Thursday, November 6th 2014 at 12:00 AM (CET)

Ended on: 06-11-2014

Auction 11 Online

Numismatic Auction 50

500 numismatic rarities.

Auction Timetable

Our 50th Numismatic Auction will be held in Palace Hotel, in Serravalle (RSM), on October 15th 2014 starting at 10:30 am (CET).

Live Auction will be available on this web site for registered users only.

Online auction (absentee bids) deadline:
Wednesday October 15th 2014 at 09:00 CET


Ended on: 15-10-2014

Numismatic Auction  50

Numismatic Auction 51

Ancient and modern coins, medals and banknotes auction.

Auction Timetable

Our 51st Numismatic Auction will be held in Palace Hotel, in Serravalle (RSM), on October 14th and 15th 2014 starting at 10:30 am (CET).

Live Auction will be available on this web site for registered users only.

Online auction (absentee bids) deadline:
- Tuesday 14th October at 09:00 CET (lots 501/1073)
- Tuesday 14th October at 12:00 CET (lots 1074 /1764)
- Wednesday 15th October at 12:00 CET (lots 1765/2611)


Ended on: 15-10-2014

Numismatic Auction  51

Numismatic Auction 49

Auction Timetable

Our 49th Numismatic Auction will be held in Palace Hotel, in Serravalle (RSM), on May 13th and 14th 2014.

Online auction deadlines:

  • Tuesday  13th May 2014 at 08:00 CET (lots 1/610)
  • Tuesday 13th May 2014 at 12:00 CET (lots 611 /1256)
  • Wednesday 14th May 2014 at 08:00 CET (lots 1257/1941)
  • Wednesday 14th May 2014 at 12:00 CET (lots 1942/2638)


Ended on: 14-05-2014

Numismatic Auction  49

Auction 10 Online

Numismatic Auction 10 Online ending on Monday, April 28th 2014 at 12:00 AM (CET)

Ended on: 28-04-2014

Auction 10 Online

Numismatic Auction 48

catalogo 38

Our 48th Numismatic Auction will be held in Palace Hotel, in Serravalle (RSM), on October 26th and 27th 2013.

Online auction deadlines:
Saturday 26th October at 12:00 CET (lots 1-475), 
Sunday 27th October at 08:00 CET (lots 476-1217),
Sunday 27th October at 12:00 CET (lots 1218-1825)

It will possible to BID LIVE during room auction (already registered users don't have to register again and are allowed to bid, new users must register here). Live and room auction schedule:

Saturday 26th October starting at 15:30 CET (lots 1-475 - Ancient coins, Foreign coins, Medals and Banknotes)
Sunday 27th October starting at 9:30 CET (lots 476-1217 - Italian and Vatican coins)
Sunday 27th October starting at 14:30 CET (lots 1218-1825 - House of Savoy)

Printed catalogue is available on Nomisma online shop, 25 euro + shipping.

Ended on: 27-10-2013